


Privacy Policy
2001 Tyler Street

Suite 207 Hollywood, Florida 33020 United States

(954) 231-3133

At Ynot, we pride ourselves on providing our clients and our website visitors with simple online products that are straight-forward and easy to use. You won’t find lots of legal ease or complex concepts that leave you confused about Ynot and its privacy policy, just the straight scoop. Here goes …

Ynot greatly values its users’ privacy. This privacy policy will help you understand how we collect and use personal information provided by our visitors to our website, www.ynotone.com. If you are a ynotone.com site visitor and provide us with information through our website, you are consenting to our data collection process and use of information as described below.

Our privacy policy contains the following:

  1. What personally identifiable information is collected from you through our website. 
  2. How we use the information collected and with whom it may be shared.


Information we collect

Ynotone.com Is a website designed to promote the use of our YnotLMS.com Sales and Marketing management online software application. Visitors to our website typically represent businesses and are not prospective customers who intend to use our software for personal use. Therefore, the information we collect includes information such as business name, phone number, email address, website url and also the business representative’s business contact information including name, title, phone number and email address. We do not typically collect any personally identifiable information for consumers on ynotone.com.

How the collected information is used

Ynot does not now, nor will it in the future, sell, rent or lease your contact information. Any collected information is used by us solely for the purpose of providing prospective clients with information about our Ynot? software application. No information regarding your business or business contact information is shared with any outside parties, except as is required as a part of our normal business operations, such as to our finance or accounting vendors.

Limited Use

Ynot’s use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

That’s pretty much everything! If you have more questions about Ynot or about this privacy policy, please feel free to reach out to us at any time at info@ynotone.com.