


Functions, Features and Benefits

Contact Manager

Feature: All-in-One communication tool using call, text, and email
Benefit: Meet students where they are by connecting in the way that makes prospect most comfortable to engage

Lead Management

Feature: Capture, Convert and Track leads
Benefit: Deliver leads from all sources in real time to Admissions

Trigger Automation

Feature: Automatically send texts or emails based on events or statuses
Benefit: Automated Admissions processes leaves your Admissions team more time to engage prospects while ensuring each prospect gets consistent and high quality communications

Call Recordings

Feature: Stores all calls made and received through the platform
Benefit: Call recordings between Admissions and prospects provide training opportunities and ensure compliance

Email Builder

Feature: Create custom emails or setup templates for a branded look
Benefit: Streamlined and automated email communication provides a personalized experience for each prospective student

Daily Activity Calendar

Feature: Able to see your appointments or other activities by day week or month
Benefit: An Activity calendar allows Admissions to assess productivity, improve time management and avoid schedule conflicts

Auto Dialer/Power Dialer/Browser Dialing

Feature: Click to call and power dialing features automate outbound calling for Admissions
Benefit: Automated calling features increase the volume of calls per Admissions Rep and increase the number of prospect conversations

Texting two way communication

Feature: You can send and receive text messages directly to the prospect records
Benefit: Two way texting provides real time interactive conversations between Admissions and Prospects

Tracking Phone Numbers

Feature: Used to track marketing sources and plus record all calls
Benefit: Provides more visibility of marketing efforts

Marketing Module

Feature: Quantify marketing leads and spends by channel and source
Benefit: Measuring marketing effectiveness with a admissions results helps optimize marketing spends and mix while maximizing enrollment conversions


Feature: Standard and customizable reports are available to help measure results
Benefit: Make data driven decisions to improve results through the evaluation of Ynot performance reports

Third Party Integrations

Feature: Ynot can integrate with many third party software applications
Benefit: Fully integrated systems work cohesively together, eliminating redundancies and reducing costs